I have a group of people which each have 1 group with calendar with individual schedule. To see everyone schedule I have to get in to every group to see the whole schedule. And I sometimes need to test plan the group without the plan are planed in the group. Therefore I need a feature that I can create a group that I can merge the other groups into that group. I hope you understand what I mean
I like the idea of having a “Master Calendar”. That way I can sort different activities to different groups, but for example, if I wanted to see all dentist appointments, I could click on the “Dentist” group for example. Then if I clicked on the Master profile I could see if there were any conflicts or if 2 ppl had a dentist appt on the same day or a dentist visit and a playdate after on the same day.
I think this is what you’re getting at but I’m going to post this separately too.