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馃摫 Onin for Android#21

Use Onin on your Android phone

2 years ago
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[Deleted status]
2 years ago
Changed the title from "Onin for Android 馃摫" to "馃摫 Onin for Android"
2 years ago
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2 years ago
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We're working on it
2 years ago
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[Deleted status]
2 years ago

Hello all 馃憢 I would love invite you to join the waitlist for Android 馃馃挌 By signing up you鈥檒l be first to hear when the app launches 馃

a year ago
Changed the status to
We're working on it
a year ago

Hello, we have big news! Onin just launched on Android 馃コ

Get the app now 鉃★笍

It might have been a little while since you voted on this request, so we鈥檙e here to remind you why you fell in love with Onin in the first place. Our calendars are disconnected and live in the past. Onin is here to change that, leveling up your productivity along the way.

馃獎 Onin adds simple invite links and chats to all your calendar events
馃 It works with all your calendars (Apple, Google, Outlook +)
馃敆 Add anyone to an event with just a link (no emails 馃ケ)
馃挰 Plan together in an encrypted group chat on the calendar event

Get the app now 鉃★笍

You can read about the release, and all our newest features here:

Please do reach out to us if you have any feedback 馃拰 [email protected]

Thank you for the support 鉂わ笍

Team Onin

a year ago
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a year ago